Citizenship Project

Online Activist Movements

  • History of Social Activist Movements

    Just as printed documents were important to Luther, printed documents propelled action during more recent historical movements. Pamphlets were an important medium in the history of the United States. In 1776, a pamphlet called “Common Sense, which argued for American independence from Britain, was published by ThomasPaine. At the time of Paine’s publication, many colonists…

  • What is Social Activism ?

    Social activism has been around since the beginning of›organized leadership. Some scholars see a fourth-centurypoem by the Chinese philosopher Tao Te Ching as an activistwork to speak out against greed of the wealthy elite. Some peoplebelieve that many religions teach practices of activism. Thereare many examples of activism throughout history, and manysuccessful ones involved great…

  • Impact of Black Lives Matter

    In the years since its creation, the Black Lives Matter organization has had many notable impacts that have worked to better society. By drawing attention and raising public concern, Black Lives Matter has undoubtedly changed the dynamic of modern society regarding embedded racism. While it is impossible to truly and effectively quantify how many discriminatory…

The Owner

Written by a 6th year Politics And Society Student.

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